Do something for 21 days.. it becomes a habit, a study says.. (or so my sis says!)
Continue ReadingAuthor: Sakthi
“Meow” means “woof” in cat!
I have been meaning to do this a long time. Been thinking of a subtle way to say this without hurting the feelings of any body and realized there is no subtler way of doing this than saying it straight up. And here it is..
Home Movie Days!
December 26, 2017
Its been a while since a day was well spent. Everything seems interesting when something has a deadline nearing and my tail is on fire. I would vow to manage time better the next time only to end up doing the same thing again. And so, here I am having not enough time to eat and sleep on repeat mode for ten days in a row. Only a very few can master the art of spending the whole day doing nothing still finding 24 hours a day not enough!
Where is the ‘skip AD’ button on my TV remote!?
My TV times are inundated with some of the most irksome advertisements these days. While I always skip the ads as much as I can, a few escape my escapism and find themselves lodged into my brain to eat my brain cells which are already on the decline!! 😝🙄
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce scelerisque iaculis libero, ac pellentesque mi fermentum vitae. Donec ipsum tellus, dapibus at blandit sed, iaculis quis est. Maecenas luctus facilisis lacus, et aliquet arcu cursus vitae. Nulla dolor erat, iaculis in gravida quis, pellentesque sed tortor. Aliquam varius euismod orci venenatis tincidunt. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Duis vel pharetra metus, ut pretium mi. Continue Reading